Honeywell 800 series barcode detector is used to test the traditional full ISO / IEC parameters, external light pen. HHP QC800 bar code detector can quickly test whether the adoption or use other effective tool for a more detailed analysis. Test results in 4 rows of 20 bytes on the LCD display, while the sound feedback.Compatible with RS-232 port, in a Windows-based QCVIEWER II-6/8 detection software to work on.
Honeywell QC800 series barcode detector by using QC3800V this custom 3800 handheld scanner bar code can easily be detected quickly determine such average bar deviation, width ratio, coding and ISO / IEC decoding degree barcode size and format parameters are passed. In addition, the use of the mouse and light pen can detect the parameters of traditional and ISO / IEC size, contrast and formats.
Honeywell QC850 Barcode detector using the traditional American Standard two detection methods, simple desktop full power from the bar code detector, through the LCD and LED display test solution immediately results, the instruction set barcode bar code detector to facilitate timely, easy to use, compact, Widely used in various testing requirements.